
Showing posts from 2015


THE GRACE WE RECEIVE Life on earth is quickly fleeting, We need to know the reason for our being, Although our eyes may not always the Source perceive, May we acknowledge in our souls, the grace we receive, Day in and day out the Lord is good, He gives to us, His own life as food, For without Christ we cannot and would not be, Living right now, nor would we the future see. For to live is Christ and to die is gain, Let us embrace His purpose over and over as He ordains... Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say rejoice.  


YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE... You are the only One, I dare to blow you a kiss, You’re infinitely beautiful, ... So I take out my hat to you, But you’re Majestic, Nothing is enough, So I take out my heart, I love you… You’re incomparable, and you are the best, My heart may not be enough, But it’s the best I’ve got, Jesus...take my ego, My soul, My body, My spirit, Jesus make them yours… Remove the blindfold this earth is handing out, Let me see you, let me see you… As you see me, Let me embrace you. You are the only One, That brings peace to my storms, Yours is the voice that I hear, Through the blurry mirror life hands me, The world knows no man, You are the real mirror, You know me, Let me see you more and more. I do not have much, But I take out my heart, You deserve it, Instead of bowing my knees, I bow my heart down, I adore you, I worship you, For you my God are real, You love me, Nothing is enough, So I take out my heart .


WHEN I AM WEAK, I AM STRONG IN YOU   I feel my flesh nudging me, It won’t stop letting me know, It desires to be fed, I see my weakness pressing against me, Gnawing away at my insides, Pleading with my senses, But my desire to please you God, Does not let me give in to my weakness, And so you make me stand, Tall, beautiful, holy, You call me as your own, You lift me up, you exalt me, To heights I have never known… Because your love is firm and faithful, Father I give my all, To be a worthy sacrifice on your altar, Receive me as I am, Body, soul and spirit, Burn me up completely to please you, Do not let me fail or fall, I want to be yours alone, Because you are mine, Forever! C.D.P Wait patiently for the Lord . Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the Lord . Psalm 27:14 I repeat, be strong and brave! Don’t be afraid and don’t panic, for I, the Lord your God, am with you in all you do.” Joshua 1

Nossos Filhos

É bom ter filhos, Há quem não os tem! Eles são uma benção, enorme, De Deus para nós, Criá-los é um grande desafio, Mas uma benção   é assisti-los desabrochar, Educá-los não é facíl, Mas educá-los bem é um dever, Pois que os filhos que nascemos, Não são bençãos só para nós... Os filhos são como flores que regamos e cuidamos por toda a vida, E ao desabrocharem agradam não só os nossos olhos, Mas os olhos de todos que para eles olham… Eduque bem os seus filhos para que todos possam desfrutar deles! Provérbios 22:6 "Instrui o menino no caminho em que deve andar, e, até quando envelhecer, não se desviará dele."

Good Deeds...

Good deeds are no good, If they are not being passed forward, When a person learns from you, Drinks and eats from your experiences, You know they have learned, When they pass that knowledge forward, With a better understanding, With more quality and consistence, With better application, You can conclude then, That not only learning has occurred, But a legacy has been left behind, And when proved good enough, It will withstand the test of time! Do not just travel on the road and leave footprints, Ensure the prints are solid enough to stand time, So that when another more fierce than you,  In determination gets on that road, They can pick up where you left, And go walking an extra mile in the same attitude, The next person will do the same, Until you have covered the distance laid out for success, And tapped into the very source of Happiness, God… Happiness is a pursuit, but the source of happines