Our God

Our God is Firm and Strong,
An Unshakeable Fortress in the city,
With a strong and powerful countenance,
The Father Whose words never fail,
They do not fall to the ground.

He will not ever break His covenant,
For He is Faithful,
So as He said it, shall it be,
Forever Daddy establish the work of our hands.

Let us rejoice in Your faithfulness,
For it covers us and keeps us secured,
We are safe under Your wings,
We boast in Your love for us...

Because You are trustworthy God,
We rely on You for everything,
For strength and for deliverance.

Take our enemies out of our path Oh Lord,
Work in our favour,
Establish us as Your people,
Yes,Your very own!

Written by Célia David Pascoal on Visions of the blurred mirror 


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